Now you will make at least 3X more money on autopilot!

Looks unbelievable! How are we able to do it?

Each game now provides an unlimited gameplay process for each player.

For example, your original game has 50 levels, and players who complete all these levels just go away from the game. With this update, our AI engine, will recommend to such players new categories inside your game. So players will stay with your game much longer!

We tested this approach with a set of our games and found that players now complete 3X more levels on average.

👉 3X more completed levels
👉 3X more ads impression
👉 3X more money for you!


  1. Generate a new version
  2. Publish it to Google Play Console
  3. See how revenue will grow & share your success stories!

P.S. The AI recommendation engine works only with the "Guess the Picture" type of games.

AAB file support

From today we are officially supporting aab files. You need this for the uploading process to Google Play! 

  • New games - generating in aab + apk format
  • Old games (that was previously published to Google Play) - we generate apk files only. 

App Bundle migration

Currently, we are working on an opportunity to generate app bundles as alternative to APK files. Please stay in touch and wait for our new release!

πŸš€ New feature for your growth

Check out the new section on our website - "TOP EARNERS". Here you can find the most popular & most profitable games that now are making money for the developers.

👉 Discover interesting game ideas from the local markets & transform them into your country-specific.

"Guess the Blogger" $207 in June!

Check out this game - "Guess the Blogger". It already earned 207 USD in June from AdMob. The game is targeted at the Russian market & consists of 113 levels.

The developer Vlad Ohtincev joined QuickAppNinja in June 2019, and from this time he created 24 games that produce him a stable income. 

If you know Russian, please play the game now:

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